
Thursday, February 26, 2009

My blog has officially been invaded by women. All kinds of women. There's the one who is in love with me, the one who wants to sleep with me, the one who looks like a seductress out of a graphic novel, the one who would'nt flirt with me, the one who watches films and of course the one who only pretends to watch films. Quite a handful! I feel like the ever hungry, ever deprived, ever horny resident of a womanland colony. But I am not complaining. Whoever wants paradise anyway? I am happy with my sinful hell full with all these dames. Keep them coming :D

19 blabberings:

Heathcliff said...

baal er chochhori ssala...oshobbhyo, lompot, jounoakankhito, dushchoritro bodmash tui ekta.

btw ami kon ta?? mane otogulo category r modhye???

btw, what the hell do you think of yourself?? and I am the first one to comment because I have nothing better to do. I am unemployed.

Heathcliff said...

On a second thought,

You absolutely love this invasion. Your situation reminds of that axe effect ad, where thousands of bikini clad women runs after this dude.

Heathcliff said...

jodio in this case none of the women are after you, you are in this huge bubble of delusion.

Hatturi Hanzo said...

see, you are a married woman with your husband just back from work. and all you do is come, read and write contradictory comments in my blog. Self explanatory :D

Heathcliff said...

Baal. aro boro Baal.

Hatturi Hanzo said...

do you still think I am a dhyamna?

Heathcliff said...

oh yes, darling, with all my heart.

March Hare said...

poor guy.

still no romp-in-the-hay, huh?

awwww. i feel for you. i do.

* patronising pat on the head *

Tista said...

:D so its official. You are definitely delusional

Hatturi Hanzo said...

you have every right to be defensive. you do :D

delusional? nah. just bored. and running out of people to pick on :D

Anonymous said...


March Hare said...

being sympathetic is being defensive?

aww. now you are not only frustrated but delusional as well?

* another patronising pat on the head *

Amazing Graze said...

(i want to write something witty & funny but i haven't slept in 2 weeks so i can't do comedy, only tragedy. thankyoucomeagain.)

btw "the one who looks like a seductress out of a graphic novel" eta ke re?
ami eke stalk korboi korbo. =P

Hatturi Hanzo said...

That be Diviani, the girl with the purple/pink hair. And she is kinda excited at the prospect of being stalked :D

Heathcliff said...

ai ai.. ami konta re?? bol naaaa.. bol naaaaaaa...

Hatturi Hanzo said...

ki mone hoy shuni.

idle-labour said...

Amaro eki proshno. Uttarta ektu ektu jana...still..!

Hatturi Hanzo said...

tomarTa to sohoj. you are obviously the one who wouldn't let me flirt :(

idle-labour said...

Jaak, bneche gelam. Ami bhabchhilam last category'r khnocha ta bodhoy amar boradde porlo :(